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Chiropractor Yardley, Dr. Paul Bizzaro

Dr. Paul Bizzaro

I care for my patients and truly want them to feel better and be healthy.

Discovering Natural Healing Solutions

Dr. Paul’s initial exposure to chiropractic began after he hurt his back while chopping ice in his driveway. Only about 13 years old at the time, he experienced tremendous pain that left him only able to crawl. After he had visited a chiropractor, however, he not only felt better but was left with a positive impression of the natural healing profession.

It wasn’t until age 18 that Dr. Paul encountered a chiropractor who would change his entire path. This chiropractor used the same light-force technique Dr. Paul uses now and encouraged him to explore chiropractic school. “He told me, anything you put your mind to in life is easy.”

Helping Others Get Healthy

Infused with a passion for helping others experience better health, naturally, Dr. Paul attended New York Chiropractic College to obtain his chiropractic education. He graduated with honors in 1990. Additionally, he is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician® (CCSP®).

Dr. Paul’s empathy for his patients is rooted in his early years. “As a kid, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time.” Side effects from a vaccine and an allergic reaction to penicillin led to hospitalization when he was a child.

These experiences influenced his ability to understand what it’s like to feel sidelined in life and to need assistance in solving your health challenges. That’s what led him to read “The Herb Book.” He started using nutrition as a way to stay healthy. He tried some of the remedies from the book and discovered that they worked. Since then he has incorporated nutritional counseling in our office to help his patients experience the same health benefits he did through diet change!

Enjoying Family Time

Dr. Paul is a family-oriented person who enjoys spending his spare time with his loved ones. His wife was diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, and his nutritional expertise has helped her get through her struggle and become healthy again. In our fun, lighthearted office, you’ll see many pictures of Dr. Paul’s children. He is also an avid golfer and enjoys playing whenever he has the chance.

We invite you to call us at (215) 493-6589 or book an appointment online with Dr. Paul today!


Dr. Paul Bizzaro | (215) 493-6589